Department of Actor Skills

Antonina Kikot

Head of Department,
Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor

Phone: (057) 712-25-12

The department is proud of its student theatre. Over the years of its existence the theatre has staged such classical plays as Forest Song by L. Ukrainka, The Nun by D. Diderot, The Autumn Love by O. Oles, The May Night by M. Gogol, Myna Mazailo by M. Kulish, The Thunderstorm by O. Ostrovsky, The Idio" by F. Dostoevsky, Romeo and Juliet by W. Shakespeare, The Little Prince by A. de Saint-Exupery, The Seagull by A. Chekhov, The Tram of Desire by T. Williams, Elektra by J. Giroud, Medea, Orchestra, Antigone by J. Anui, "Transformation" by F. Kafka, and many other masterpieces.

Disciplines taught at the department:
 Actor skill
 Stage speech
 Linguistic skills
 Actor's work on the radio and TV
 Modern methods of professional education of the actor
 Modern theater schools
 New technologies of acting in theater and cinema
 Acting ethics
 Specific features of actor's work in musical and dramatic theater
 Directing musical theater
 Stage movements
 Basics of stage combat, fencing
 Plastic culture
 Occupational Health
 Work of the actor with the choreographer