In the historical center of Kharkiv, at the place of its foundation, where centuries have left their mark, there is a building that houses the oldest higher educational institution of culture in Ukraine.
As history tells us, in 1729, the widow of centurion Daniil Cherniak donated her plot of land to the monastery. Adding several adjacent plots to it, the monastery built a students’ residence with a school for orphans, mostly of clerical rank, on this site, the so-called bursa (from Latin - pocket, purse; in the Middle Ages - a common treasury of a students’ residence created by a monastery; later the name of a boarding-type religious educational institution).
The bursa location was initially called Seminary Hill, then square, later street, Bursatska Square, later lane. Finally, the name Bursatskyi Descent was established, on which, 200 years later, the academy began its life in the building No. 4.
The official date of the institute establishment is September 10, 1929, when the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine at its meeting decided to reorganize the Faculty of Political Education of Kharkiv Institute of Public Education into a separate institute of political education. In 1930, the institute was renamed into Kharkiv Institute of Communist Education, and in 1931 – All-Ukrainian Institute of Communist Education (VUIKO). By order of the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine dated July 1, 1935, VUIKO was reorganized into Ukrainian Library Institute, which since 1939 has carried the name Kharkiv State Library Institute. The institute had three faculties, a postgraduate program; the "Scientific Notes of Kharkiv State Library Institute" were published. There was a part-time study department with branches in Kyiv and Odesa. During the World War II, the Institute's activities were interrupted and it resumed its work only on June 1, 1947. The training of cultural and educational workers, which began in 1950, as well as the expansion and deepening of the cultural content of the Institute's work became the basis for its reorganization in 1964 into Kharkiv State Institute of Culture.
Remaining for a long time the only higher educational institution in Ukraine that provided the sphere of culture with highly qualified specialists, KSIC became the founder of library and cultural education. On the basis of its branch, Kyiv Institute of Culture (now the National University of Culture and Arts) arose. KhSIC stood at the origins of Rivne Institute of Culture (now Rivne State Humanitarian University).
The first faculty of advanced training of cultural workers in Ukraine was created at the Institute: over the years of its existence almost 5 thousand teachers of schools of culture of Ukraine, Moldova, Central Asia have improved their qualifications here. Over the years of its existence, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture has trained almost 40 thousand specialists, including 250 foreign citizens - for 24 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Currently, the training of foreign citizens is carried out by the Center for International Education of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.
More than 1000 graduates of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture have been given government awards, two - G. Balytskyi and I. Filipovskyi - the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. About 80 graduates have state honorary titles, including: People's Artist of Ukraine A. Mamchenko, F. Chemerovskyi, Honored Artists of Ukraine – M. Rachynskyi, V. Pleskunov, T. Toleichuk, O. Sokil, F. Lostovskyi, S. Orlova, Honored Artists of Ukraine – Yu. Starchenko, E. Bortnyk, V. Irkha, V. Bilenka, L. Korolova, R. Tselinskyi, etc. Famous figures of culture and art worked at the Academy: People's Artist of Ukraine V. Lukashov, Honored Artists of Ukraine M. Tereshchenko, S. Koshachevskyi, V. Sukharieva, Honored Artists of Ukraine D. Ostapenko, L. Skybnevskyi, E. Stunhurov, E. Konoplova, Ya. Skybynskyi, I. Polskyi, etc.
The cultural environment, which combined history and modernity, determined the spiritual face of the institute – an educational institution with rich scientific, educational, and creative traditions.
- 1920s
- The Department of Literature and Language was established
- 1925
- The Faculty of Political Education was founded at Kharkiv Institute of Public Education
- 1927
- The School-Course and Library Department was organized
An anti-religious department was created, which trained organizers-methodologists and lecturers-propagandists
- 1929
- The Faculty of Political Education of Kharkiv Institute of Public Education was reorganized into an independent higher educational institution - Kharkiv Institute of Political Education with four departments: school-course, library, anti-religious, museum-excursion
The Department of History of the USSR and General History was created
The collection "Politosvitnyk" was launched (1929-1930, vol. 1-2)
- 1930
- Kharkiv Institute of Political Education was reformed into Kharkiv Institute of Communist Education
- 1931
- Kharkiv Institute of Communist Education was renamed into All-Ukrainian Institute of Communist Education (VUIKO). Seven faculties were created: library, book distribution, school and course, museum, excursion (tourist), atheist, mass agitation
The Department of Library Science was organized
- 1932
- The Faculty of Book Distribution was created
The School and Course Faculty was renamed into Pedagogical Faculty
- 1933
- Three faculties were organized: propaganda, club and library
- 1934
- The propaganda faculty was reorganized into the socio-economic faculty
A national pedagogical faculty was created with two departments: Polish and German
The evening library faculty and the evening library faculty were established as a branch of VUIKO in Kyiv
- 1935
- All-Ukrainian Institute of Communist Education was reorganized into the Ukrainian Library Institute
- 1936
- Postgraduate studies were opened in the following specialties: methodology of interaction with reader, children's literature, and bibliography
- 1937
- The Department of Physical Education was established
- 1939
- Ukrainian Library Institute was renamed into Kharkiv State Library Institute (KhSLI)
In-service training was introduced (part-time and evening studies)
Three faculties were established: library science, bibliography, and children's and youth libraries
The faculty of in-service retraining was abolished
The part-time library faculty was opened
- 1940
- The first volume of the collection of "Works of Kharkiv State Library Institute" was published
- 1941
- During the wartime period, due to the need to evacuate to Kyzyl-Orda of the Kazakh SSR, and in the first post-war years, KhSLI operated as a faculty of Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute
- 1943
- Library faculty was opened at Kharkiv Pedagogical Institute
- 1944
- Department of library science was created at Pedagogical Institute
Library room was organized
- 1946
- The part-time department was renewed
- 1947
- Kharkiv State Library Institute was renewed, consisting of three faculties (library science, bibliography, children's and youth libraries) and five departments
- 1950
- Faculty of cultural and educational work was created
The Department of Book Funds and Catalogues was established
- 1951
- The Department of Cultural and Educational Work and Pedagogy was established
Radio broadcasting center for local broadcasting was equipped, all large auditoriums were equipped with radio
- 1953
- The Department of Cultural and Educational Work and the Department of Pedagogy were separated
- 1954
- The Library Faculty was established by merging the faculties of Library Science and Bibliography
- 1955
- The training of highly qualified specialists for book trade was introduced
The Faculty of Children's and Youth Libraries and the Library Faculty were merged
- 1956
- The Library Faculty operates in two departments: Children's and Mass and Scientific Libraries
The scientific collection "Scientific Notes" was published (issue 2)
- 1957
- Two faculties (library and cultural and educational work) and eleven departments (cultural and educational work, library science, bibliography, library funds and catalogues, literature for children and library work with children, Marxism-Leninism, history, literature, foreign languages, pedagogy and psychology, physical education)
The scientific collection "Scientific Notes" was published (1957-1960, vol. 3-5)
The annual reporting conference dedicated to the results of the scientific work of the higher education institution was launched for the first time
- 1958
- The first scientific and methodological conference of KSLI graduates was held
- 1959
- The Department of Choral Conducting was created
The Department of Directing (Theatrical Training) was created
The training of club workers in the following specializations began: director of an amateur theater group, conductor of an amateur choir, conductor of an orchestra of folk instruments
- 1960
- The Department of Folk Instruments was created
Preparatory courses for admission to Kharkiv State Library Institute were created
The evening department began training specialists for scientific, technical and special libraries
Part-time department of Kharkiv State Library Institute was established in Kyiv
- 1962
- The scientific collection "Scientific Notes" was published (issue 6)
- 1964
- Kharkiv State Library Institute was reorganized into Kharkiv State Institute of Culture (KSIC)
Department of Musicology was established
- 1965
- Permanent part-time department of bibliography was established at the library faculty in order to train bibliographers for the Ukrainian book trade system
- 1966
- Department of technical libraries and scientific information was established
The following departments operate within the structure of the library faculty (permanent): mass and scientific libraries, children's libraries, technical libraries, bibliography
A license was granted for the preparation and holding of the first republican scientific and practical conference on the effectiveness of cultural and educational work (department of cultural and educational work)
- 1968
- On the basis of the part-time department of KhSIC, Kyiv State Institute of Culture (now the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts) was established
- 1969
- Preparatory department was established
Department of philosophy and political science was established
- 1977
- Faculty of advanced training for teachers of special disciplines was organized
Department of musicology was divided into two independent ones: theoretical and piano
Department of Cultural and Educational Work was renamed into Department of Club Studies
- 1979
- KhSIC was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR
Two independent departments were created on the basis of the Department of Bibliography: the Department of General Bibliography and Book Studies and the Department of Branch Bibliography
- 1983
- The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was created
The Department of Club Studies was reorganized into the Department of Organization and Methods of Cultural and Educational Work
- 1986
- The Department of History and Theory of Cultural and Educational Work was created
- 1987
- The theoretical and piano departments were merged into the Department of Musicology
- 1989
- The Department of Folk Choreography was created
Choreographic department was created at the Department of Directing
Training of specialists started in the specialty "Museum Studies and Protection of Historical Landmarks and Theory of Culture"
- 1990
- The Department of History and Theory of Cultural and Educational Work was reorganized into the Department of History and Theory of Culture
- 1991
- The training of specialists in the specialty "Social Pedagogy" began
The departments of: choreography, speech skills, Ukrainian folk choir and musical folklore were created
Faculty of Cultural and Educational Work was renamed into Faculty of Culturology and Folk Art
Department of Political History was renamed into Department of Political Science, Department of Organization and Methods of Cultural and Educational Work was renamed into Department of Leisure Culture
Preparatory department for foreign citizens was opened
- 1992
- Faculty of Cultural Studies and the Faculty of Folk Art were created on the basis of the Faculty of Culturology and Folk Art
Department of Cultural and Educational Work was renamed into Department of History and Theory of Culture
- 1993
- The Department of History of the USSR and General History was renamed the Department of General History
The Department of Library Funds and Catalogues was reorganized into the Department of Document Studies
The Department of Economic History and Theory was renamed into the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Socio-Cultural Sphere
On the basis of the folk choir section of the Department of Choral Conducting, the Department of Ukrainian Folk Singing and Musical Folklore was created
The Department of General History was renamed into the Department of General History and Museology
The Department of Musicology was reorganized into the Department of Music Theory and Piano
The Department of Wind Instruments was renamed into the Department of Wind and Variety Orchestras
The first issue of the collection of scientific works of KhSIC "Culture of Ukraine" was published
- 1994
- 02.21.01 specialized academic council was first created for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Sciences in Art Criticism in the specialty 17.00.08 - Theory and History of Culture
02.21.02 specialized academic council was first created for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Sciences in the specialty 05.25.05 - Information Systems and Processes (Technical Sciences)
The first enrollment for postgraduate studies in the specialties: "Theory and History of Culture", "Book Studies, Library Science and Bibliography", "Information Systems and Processes", "Museology, Conservation, Restoration and Storage of Cultural Values", "Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought", "Social Pedagogy", "Automated Management Systems"
The Library Faculty was renamed into the Faculty of Library Science and Informatics
The Department of Industry Bibliography and General Bibliography and the Department of Book Science were merged into the Department of Bibliography and Book Science
The Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Socio-Cultural Sphere was renamed into the Department of Economic Theory and Management
The Department of Informatics was renamed into the Department of Informatics, Information Processes and Systems
The Department of Physical Education was renamed into the Department of Physical Culture and Health
- 1995
- Doctoral studies were opened in the specialties "Theory and History of Culture", "Library Studies and Information Systems and Processes", "Bibliography"
Two specialized academic councils were created for the defense of doctoral (candidate) dissertations in the theory and history of culture and book studies, library studies, bibliography
The Department of International Relations was created
The Department of Economic Theory and Management was renamed into Department of Economic History, Theory and Management
Doctoral studies were opened in the theory and history of culture, book studies, library studies, bibliography, automated control systems
The Department of Library Funds and Catalogues was renamed into the Department of Document Studies
The Department of Bibliography and Book Studies was renamed into the Department of Bibliography
The Department of Social Pedagogy was created on the basis of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
A digest of publications on the activities of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture was published, which were published in all-Ukrainian and Kharkiv newspapers during 1991-1994, "What is written with a stylus...", prepared by the library staff of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
- 1996
- The Department of Social Pedagogy and the Department of Social Psychology were established
- 1997
- Kharkiv State Institute of Culture is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the Organization of the European Community in the Field of Library and Information Education (BOBKATSSS), the European Association of Library and Information Education and Scientific Research (EUCLID)
Due to the expansion of the nomenclature of educational specialties, the following faculties were established:
- Documentary Studies and Information Activities;
- Library and Informatics;
- Culturology and Management;
- Folk Music;
- Directing and Choreography;
- pre-university training and postgraduate studies
A specialized academic council D 64.807.02 was created with the right to accept for consideration and conduct defense of dissertations for the obtaining of the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Sciences in the specialties 05.13.06 – “Automated control systems and advanced information technologies (technical sciences)” 07.00.08 – “Book science, library science, bibliography science (pedagogical sciences)”
The Department of Informatics, Information Systems and Processes was renamed into the Department of Information Technologies
- 1998
- Kharkiv State Academy of Culture was created on the basis of liquidated Kharkiv State Institute of Culture
The Faculty of Work with Foreign Citizens was created
The Department of Document Studies was renamed into the Department of Book and Collection Studies
The Department of Library Science continued its functioning as the Department of Informatics
The Department of Technical Libraries and of scientific information was reorganized into the Department of Information Technologies
The Department of General History and Museology was renamed into the Department of History of Ukraine and Museology
The academy has 6 faculties and 22 departments
The Academic Council of KSAC decided to change the name of the digest publication “What is written with a stylus…” to “Vivat, Academy!” The digest acquired the status of a continuing publication
- 1999
- Academy was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
K 64.807.02 specialized academic council was created in the specialty 07.00.08 - "Book Science, Library Science, Bibliography Science (Pedagogical Sciences)"
The first issue of the digest "Vivat, Academy!" was published, which contains materials on the activities of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, published in all-Ukrainian and Kharkiv newspapers for the period from 1995 to 1998.
The collection of scientific works "Bulletin of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture" was approved by the resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as a professional publication in historical sciences
The Department of Informatics was reorganized into the Department of Social Communications
The Department of Art History was organized
- 2000
- The Faculty of Musical Arts was established
The Department of Information and Document Systems and the Department of Television were established
The first part of the bibliographic index "Printed Works of Teachers and Employees of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture" (1947-1998) was published
The editorial and publishing department was established
On the basis of the Department of Document Studies, the Department of Book and Fund Studies was established
The Departments of Library and Bibliographic Studies were merged into the single Department of Bibliographic Studies
Due to the expansion of the spectrum of musical specialties, an educational and consulting center was opened in Simferopol
- 2001
- The departments of variety singing, modern and ballroom choreography, folk choreography were created
A training and consulting center was created on the basis of Melitopol School of Culture
- 2002
- The nomenclature of specialties in postgraduate and doctoral studies of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture was expanded
The term of office of the specialized academic council K 64.807.02 was extended in the specialty 07.00.08 - "Book Science, Library Science, Bibliography Science (Pedagogical Sciences)"
A series of bibliographic indexes "Outstanding Teachers of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture" was established
- 2003
- The following faculties were established:
- Theater, Film and Television Art;
- Choreographic Art.
The departments of management of socio-cultural activities, modern choreography, ballroom choreography, actor's skills, economic theory, history and management were created
- 2004
- Academy was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Gold Medal of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine
The collection of scientific works "Culture of Ukraine" was approved by the resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as a scientific professional publication in philosophical sciences
The second part of the bibliographic index "Printed works of teachers and employees of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture" was published (1999-2003)
The Department of Library Science and Bibliography was divided into the Department of Library Science and Social Informatics and the Department of Bibliographic Science and Information and Bibliographic Activities
The Department of Social Communications was renamed into the Department of Library Science and Social Communications
- 2005
- The Magna Carta of Universities (Bologna) was signed
On the basis of the department of Art Studies the Department of TV Reportership was created
The Faculty of Cultural Studies changed its name into the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Management
The Department of Wind and Variety Instruments changed its name into the Department of Wind and Variety Orchestra Instruments
- 2006
- The Department of Economic History, Theory and Management was renamed into the Department of Organizational Management
The scientific fields of "Cultural Studies" and "Social Communications" were introduced
- 2007
- Postgraduate studies were opened in the following specialties:
- Book Studies, Library Studies, Bibliography Studies (Historical Sciences),
- Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought,
- Social Pedagogy,
- Theory and History of Culture (Philosophical Sciences),
- Theory and History of Culture (Art Criticism),
- Museology, Monument Studies (Historical Sciences).
Doctoral studies were opened in the following specialties:
- "Book Studies, Library Studies, Bibliography Studies (Historical Sciences)",
- "Theory and History of Culture (Historical Sciences)",
- "Theory and History of Culture (Philosophical Sciences)",
- "Theory and History of Culture (Art Criticism)".
The Faculty of Cultural Studies and Management was reorganized, and the Faculty of Cultural Studies and the Faculty of Management were created on its basis
The Department of History and Theory of Culture was renamed into the Department of Cultural Studies
- 2008
- 2 specialized academic councils were created for the defense of doctoral (candidate) dissertations D 64.807.01 in two specialties 26.00.01 - Theory and History of Culture (in the field of cultural studies, philosophical sciences and art studies), 26.00.04 - Ukrainian Culture (in the field of cultural studies, art criticism); D 64.807.02 in two specialties 27.00.01 – theory and history of social communications (in the field of social communications), 27.00.03 – book studies, library studies, bibliography studies (in the field of social communications)
The following specialties were opened in postgraduate studies: theory and history of culture (culturology), document studies, archival studies (social communications), book studies, library studies, bibliography studies (social communications)
The following specialties were opened in doctoral studies: theory and history of culture (culturology), document studies, archival studies (social communications), book studies, library studies, bibliography studies (social communications)
The Department of History of Ukraine and Museology was divided into the Department of History of Ukraine and World History, as well as the Department of Museology and Monument Studies
- 2009
- The Faculty of Theater, Film and Television Art was reorganized, and the following faculties were created on its basis:
- Theater Art;
- Film and Television Art.
The collection of scientific works "Culture of Ukraine" was approved as a scientific professional publication in cultural studies and art history (in accordance with the resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine)
Two fundamental research projects "Domestic and World Culture: Historical and Theoretical Aspects" (state registration number 0109U00511) and "Documentary and Communication Structures of Society: Innovative Development Strategies (state registration number 0109U00) were registered in the UkrINTEI of Ukraine
- 2010
- The specialty "Musical Art" was opened in the doctoral studies
The specialties: "Theatrical Art", "Musical Art" were opened in the postgraduate studies
The center for international education and cooperation was created on the basis of the faculty for work with foreign citizens
The collection of scientific works "Bulletin of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture" was approved as a professional publication in social communications (in accordance with the resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine)
- 2011
- The range of specialties in postgraduate and doctoral studies at KSAC has been expanded
The enrollment for doctoral studies is carried out in five scientific specialties: “Theory and History of Culture”; “Ukrainian Culture”; “Document Studies, Archive Studies”; “Book Studies, Library Studies, Bibliographic Studies”; “Musical Art”
The enrollment for postgraduate studies is carried out in nine scientific specialties: “Theory and History of Culture (Cultural Studies, Historical Sciences, Philosophical Sciences, Art Criticism)”; “Ukrainian Culture (Cultural Studies, Art Criticism)”; “Document Studies, Archive Studies”; “Document Studies, Library Studies, Bibliographic Studies (Social Communications)”; “Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought”; “Social Pedagogy”; “Museology. Monument Studies (Historical Sciences, Art Criticism)"; Theater Art (Art Criticism)"; "Musical Art (Art Criticism)"
- 2012
- The training of specialists in the specialty "Media Communications" was started
The Faculty of pre-university training and graduate studies was reorganized into the Center for Continuing Education
Department of Organizational Management was renamed into the Department of Management and Administration and Tourism
Department of Cultural Studies was renamed into the Department of Cultural Studies and Media Communications
- 2013
- The training of specialists in the specialty "Advertising and Public Relations" was started
Faculty of Management was renamed into the Faculty of Management and Business
The graduate department of tourism business was created at the Faculty of Management and Business
The name of the Department of Management and Administration and Tourism was changed to the Department of Business and Administration
- 2014
- The faculties of Library Science and Informatics, Document Science and Information Activities were reorganized, and the Faculty of Social Communications was created on their basis
- 2015
- Collection of scientific works "Culture of Ukraine" by the resolution of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved as a professional publication in cultural studies and art criticism
Collection of scientific works "Bulletin of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture" approved as a professional publication in social communications (by the resolution of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine)
- 2016
- For the first time, postgraduate training of Doctors of Philosophy in the following specialties was licensed: 029 "Information, library and archival affairs", 034 "Culturology", 231 "Social work"
Specialized academic council D64.807.01 was re-registered with the right to accept for consideration and conduct defense of dissertations for obtaining the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Sciences in cultural studies and art studies in the specialties 26.00.01 "Theory and history of culture" and 26.00.04 "Ukrainian culture"
Academy is a co-founder of the professional scientific and practical journal "Bulletin of the Book Chamber" (together with the "Ivan Fedorov Book Chamber of Ukraine" state scientific institution)
On the basis of three existing departments, the Department of Document and Book Studies was created; Department of Library Science and Information and Analytical Activities
The Department of Social Psychology was renamed into the Department of Psychology
- 2017
- Postgraduate training of Doctors of Philosophy in the specialty 025 "Musical Art" was licensed
A specialized academic council D 64.807.02 was re-registered with the right to accept for consideration and conduct defense of dissertations for obtaining the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Sciences in Social Communications in the specialty 27.00.03 "Book Science, Library Science, Bibliography"
Department of Information, Library and Archival Affairs was created on the basis of two existing departments of Document Science and Book Science, Library Science and Information and Analytical Activities
Department of Management of Culture and Social Technologies and a Department of Journalism were created by reorganizing the Department of Management of Socio-Cultural Activities
Department of Culturology was created. The Department of Cultural Studies and Media Communications was liquidated
The Department of Music Theory and History and the Department of Piano were created by reorganizing the Department of Music Theory and Piano
The Department of Variety and Folk Singing was created on the basis of two existing departments: Variety Singing and Ukrainian Folk Singing
- 2018
- The implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education at the third (educational and scientific) level was expanded to train Doctors of Philosophy in postgraduate studies in the specialty 025 "Musical Art"
The educational and professional program "Management of Socio-Cultural Projects" was accredited (specialty 028 - Management of Socio-Cultural Activities, second (master's) level of higher education)
The educational and professional program "Tourism Studies" was accredited (specialty 242 - Tourism, second (master's) level of higher education)
Department of Modern and Ballroom Choreography was created on the basis of two existing departments: Modern Choreography and Ballroom Choreography
Department of Information Technologies was created on the basis of two existing departments: Information and Document Systems and Information Technologies
The name of the office was changed to the Department of Records and Archives
- 2019
- The training of applicants for the educational programs "Academic Singing", "Orchestral String Instruments", "Piano" (specialty 025 - Musical Art) began
The collective monograph "Founders of Kharkiv Library Scientific and Educational School" (for the 90th anniversary of Kharkiv Library and Scientific and Educational School) and the 8th issue of the digest "Vivat, Academy!" have been published. (2017-2018)"
- 2020
- The educational and scientific program "Information, Library and Archival Affairs" was accredited (specialty 029 - Information, Library and Archival Affairs, third (educational and scientific) level of higher education)
The educational program "Cultural Management and Social Marketing" was accredited (specialty 028 - Management of Socio-Cultural Activities, first (bachelor's) level of higher education)
The Faculty of Social Communications and Museum and Tourism Activities was established
The Department of Humanities and Art Criticism was established by merging the Department of Art Criticism and Literary Studies and the Department of Philosophy and Political Science
The Center for Quality Assurance of Education and Innovative Development was established
The collection "Culture of Ukraine" was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science as a professional publication in cultural studies and art criticism (category "B")
Bibliographic publications "Works of teachers and employees of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (2014-2018)" and "Theses defended in specialized academic councils of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture" were withdrawn from printing
- 2021
- The educational and scientific program "Culturology" (specialty 034 - Culturology, third (educational-scientific/educational-creative) level of higher education) was accredited
The educational and professional program "Audiovisual Art and Production" (specialty 021 - Audiovisual Art and Production, second (master's) level of higher education) was accredited
The educational and professional program "Psychology" (specialty 053 - Psychology, first (bachelor's) level of higher education) was accredited
The educational and professional program "Tourism" (specialty 242 - Tourism, first (bachelor's) level of higher education) was accredited education
The training of applicants for the following educational programs began: "Photography and Videography" (specialty 021 - Audiovisual Art and Production); "Directing of Shows and Art Projects" (specialty 026 - Performing Arts); "Digital Information Management" (specialty 029 - Information, Library and Archival Affairs)
The Department of Film and Television Directing and Scriptwriting and the Department of Photography and Cameramanship have been created by reorganizing the Department of Television
The collection "Bulletin of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture" was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a professional publication in information, library and archival affairs (category "B")