№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
1 | Scientific consulting in the field of Trauma Studies. Reading popular science lectures on the history of Ukrainian culture | Assoc. Aleksandrova Marina Vyacheslavivna; e-mail: marina.dyadina@gmail.com |
2 | Scientific consulting on the methodology of drafting and editing advertising texts | Assoc. Bulah Tetyana Dmitrivna; e-mail: tbulah@ukr.net |
3 | Scientific consulting on the development of cultural policy projects | Prof. Kravchenko Oleksandr Vasylovich; e-mail: kultart@ukr.net |
4 | Scientific consulting on preparing and publishing the results of scientific research | Prof. Markova Victoria Anatolyivna; tel./e-mail: vikmark777@gmail.com |
5 | Scientific consulting on advertising and PR in the media | teacher Martyukhina Kateryna Vadimovna; tel./e-mail: katerynamart8@gmail.com |
6 | Scientific consulting on issues of religious studies | Prof. Pankov Georgiy Dmytrovych; tel./e-mail: gpank27@gmail.com |
7 | Scientific consulting and reading of popular science lectures on journalism | teacher Revenko Volodymyr Hryhorovych; tel./e-mail: revenko.media_@ukr.net |
8 | Scientific consulting on reviewing and publishing the results of scientific research | Prof. Sheyko Vasyl Mykolayovych; tel./e-mail: vmsheyko2020@ukr.net |
№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
9 | Scientific consulting on the creation of museum expositions and art exhibitions, development of creative excursion routes | Assoc. Soshnikov Andrii Oleksandrovich; e-mail: kafistxdak@ukr.net |
10 | Scientific examination and evaluation of historical monuments, development of technical condition acts and protection contracts for cultural heritage monuments | Prof. Shcherban Anatoly Leonidovych; e-mail: kafistxdak@ukr.net |
11 | Webinars and lectures on the problems of preservation and restoration of historical and cultural heritage | Prof. Shcherban Anatoly Leonidovych; e-mail: kafistxdak@ukr.net |
12 | Scientific and methodical trainings for tourist enterprises of various forms of ownership | Assoc. Onishchenko Alla Petrivna; tel.: +38(095)6031524; e-mail: alla.an.ua@gmail.com |
13 | Development of authentic tourist routes in a specific community in order to popularize it and increase the tourist attractiveness of the OTG | Assoc. Onishchenko Alla Petrivna; tel.: +38(095)6031524; e-mail: alla.an.ua@gmail.com |
№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
14 | Scientific examination of socio-cultural projects and programs of state and communal institutions, departments of commercial enterprises, public organizations and foundations | associate professor Afenchenko H. V.; e-mail: agv2005@ukr.net |
15 | Scientific and practical consulting on the analysis of the socio-cultural situation, the development of the program of socio-cultural research and the technology of its implementation | associate professor Afenchenko H. V.; e-mail: agv2005@ukr.net |
16 | Scientific-methodical supervision of internships at the department of advanced training of teachers of other higher education institutions and cultural institutions by specialty of the disciplines that are taught | associate professor Afenchenko H. V.; e-mail: agv2005@ukr.net |
17 | Scientific examination of socio-cultural projects and programs of state and communal institutions, departments of commercial enterprises, public organizations and foundations | associate professor Afenchenko H. V.; e-mail: agv2005@ukr.net |
№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
18 | Scientific counseling of students of the third educational and scientific level regarding the problems of their dissertation studies | Prof. Davydova I. O. tel.: (057) 731-13-88; Prof. Solyanyk A. A. tel.: 066 933 03 37 |
19 | Discussion and defense of dissertation studies of applicants from other higher education institutions on a commercial basis | Prof. Davydova I. O. tel.: (057) 731-13-88; Prof. Solyanyk A. A. tel.: 066 933 03 37 |
20 | Management of the internship of specialists in the specialty 029 Information, library and archival affairs | head of the department Mar'ina O. Yu., Prof. Davydova I. O., tel.: (057) 731-13-88 |
21 | Scientific consulting on creation and development of scientometric profiles of scientists (Google Scholar, ORCID, etc. platforms) | head of the department Mar'ina O. Yu. tel.: 0990088416 |
22 | Scientific consulting on questions related to the development of a web portrait of a scientist | head of the department Mar'ina O. Yu. tel.: 0990088416 |
23 | Scientific examination of scientific research, analytical reports, scientific and technical developments in the field of information, library and archival affairs | head of the department Mar'ina O. Yu. tel.: 0990088416 |
24 | Scientific and practical consulting on intellectual property protection | Prof. Kobelev O. M. tel.: (057) 731-13-88 |
25 | Scientific and methodological support of electronic educational materials and distance learning courses in the Moodle environment | Assoc. Brusentsev V. O., associate professor of the department Pobizhenko I. O. (certificate of advanced training with Moodle in KhNURE) |
26 | Scientific and methodological training "Media literacy and critical thinking" | Assoc. Shelestova A. M.; e-mail: anna_shelestova@ukr.net |
27 | Scientific and methodological training "Web technologies in socio-cultural activities" | Assoc. Brusentsev V. O.; e-mail: vitalij.brusentsev@ukr.net |
28 | Scientific and methodological training "Web design" | Assoc. Brusentsev V. O.; e-mail: vitalij.brusentsev@ukr.net |
29 | Scientific and methodological training "Electronic business" | Assoc. Pobizhenko I. O.; e-mail: irina_pob@ukr.net |
30 | Scientific and methodological training "Multimedia animation" | Assoc. Pobizhenko I. O.; e-mail: irina_pob@ukr.net |
31 | Scientific and methodological training "Multimedia technologies" | Assoc. Pobizhenko I. O.; e-mail: irina_pob@ukr.net |
32 | Scientific and methodological training "Computer graphics" | Assoc. Yaruta V. O.; e-mail: victor_yaruta@ukr.net |
№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
33 | Scientific consulting of practical workers (practical psychologists, social workers, teachers, medical workers) and organizations (rehabilitation centers, social support centers, etc.) regarding the provision of psychological assistance (psychological counseling, conducting psychological support groups, development and implementation of psychological recovery programs for various segments of the population) in the format of master classes, seminars, training courses | Professor Bolshakova A. M.; e-mail: bolshakova777@ukr.net |
№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
34 | Lectures and master classes on current issues of culture, art, cinema, theater | Prof. Myslavsky V. N.; tel.: 067 578 13 00; Assoc. Cherkasova N.; tel.: 066 709 20 17 |
35 | Scientific examination of works of art (East Asia) | Prof. Rybalko S. B.; tel.: 050 957 52 15 |
36 | Scientific internship, improvement of professional qualifications in the specialty "Audiovisual art and production" | Assoc. Markhaichuk N. V.; tel.: 050 403 13 74; Assoc. Loginova T. O.; tel.: 067 978 21 00 |
37 | Науково-методичне консультування з майстерності дубляжу, фотозйомки, озвучування кінофільмів, дикторської майстерності | Assoc. Markhaichuk N. V.; tel.: 050 403 13 74; Assoc. Loginova T. O.; tel.: 067 978 2100 |
№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
38 | Scientific and methodical counseling on acquiring piano performance skills | Prof. Sklyarov O. D.; tel.: 068 605 78 76 |
39 | Scientific and methodical trainings on the problems of piano performance | Prof. Sklyarov O. D., tel.: 068 605 78 76 |
40 | Scientific and methodical counseling on mastery of playing orchestral instruments | Assoc. Haydenko I. A.; tel.: 050 658 54 01 |
41 | Scientific and methodical counseling on the acquisition of mastery of playing folk instruments | Prof. Stashevsky A. Ya; tel.: 050 242 08 25 |
42 | Scientific and methodical trainings for teachers and leaders of creative collectives of pop and folk singing | Assoc. Manko S. V.; tel.: 050 300 97 81 |
43 | Scientific and methodical trainings for mastery of choral conducting and academic singing | Assoc. Boyko V. G.; tel.: 095 685 43 99 |
№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
44 | Scientific and methodical consulting on the acquisition of acting and directing skills for actors, directors, theater managers, creative teams with the receipt of a certificate confirming the improvement of professional competences in the field of modern stage art | Prof. Boris I. O.; tel.: 095 301 66 93 |
45 | Scientific and methodical trainings for teachers and leaders of creative teams with the receipt of a certificate confirming the improvement of hard skills in cultural and artistic education | Assoc. Nabokov R. G.; tel.: 050 908 62 82 |
№ | Name of the service | Responsible/contact person |
46 | Scientific and methodical consulting on the problems of formation of choreographic skill | Assoc. Mostova I. S., tel.: 050 034 24 42 |
47 | Scientific and methodical trainings for teachers and managers of choreographic groups with the receipt of a certificate confirming the improvement of professional competences in the field of art education | Assoc. Shkureev K. I.; tel.: 066 644 42 22 |
The procedure for calculations and the cost of services for persons who are provided with a paid scientific service is carried out by the accounting service of the KhSAC on the basis of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 27, 2010 No. 796 "On approval of the list of paid services that can be provided by educational institutions, other institutions and institutions of the education system belonging to the state and communal forms of ownership"