![]() Over the years of its existence, the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture has trained more than 40,000 specialists, including more than 400 specialists for 42 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. Many foreign graduates of KhDAK work in leading positions in ministries and educational institutions of their countries. Kharkiv State Academy of Culture since 2005. is a participant in the Bologna process. Signing the Great Charter of Universities is not just a formal act, but recognition of the achievements of our Academy and its high rating among higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The Academy is a member of the Organization of European Cooperation in the Field of Library and Information Education (BOBKATSSS), the European Association of Library and Information Education and Scientific Research (EUCLID). Our teachers take an active part in international scientific conferences and seminars in the fields of culture, the art of information activities. KhSAC has strong educational and scientific ties with a number of higher educational institutions in Great Britain, Poland, the USA, Denmark, and China. According to the concluded agreements, the academy carries out an international exchange of teachers, scientists, students, and provides an opportunity for its students to continue their studies abroad. International relations of the faculties and departments of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in the direction of creative and performing activities in music, choreography, theater, audiovisual art are actively developing. Leading choreographic collectives of the KhSAC: folk dance theater "Zapovit" (artistic director and chief choreographer - B. M. Kolnoguzenko), modern dance ensemble "Esthet" (artistic director and chief choreographer - E. V. Yanina-Ledovska), the ballroom dance ensemble (artistic director - Z.V. Nosova) repeatedly represented the Academy at international competitions. Almost 50 students of the Department of Folk Choreography became laureates of international dance competitions and festivals. (More details at the Faculty of Choreographic Art) The Faculty of Music has a highly professional team of teachers and creative teams that proudly represent the Academy at international competitions. Among them: an academic choir, an orchestra of folk instruments, a pop symphony orchestra, a jazz orchestra, a folk music ensemble "Stozhary", a folk group "Farby", a student pop song theater "STEP" and others. (Learn more at the Faculty of Music) The international connections of the Academy's faculties and departments are expanding at the level of scientific internships, participation in conferences and seminars, exchange of lecturers.In particular, in June 2017, an educational visit of students from the field of "Tourism" training to Bulgaria took place, during which students got acquainted with the specifics of tour operator activity in Bulgaria. In particular, students' practical classes were held on the basis of the hotel "Naslada" (Balchik, Bulgaria). Foreign colleagues, among them professors R. Wade, J. Hofland, E. Swedlow (USA), G. Elbeshausen (Denmark) and others. In turn, professors V. M. Sheiko, D. THERE ARE. Sytnikov, associate professor O. IN. Oliynyk and others gave lectures in the USA, the Czech Republic, Italy, the People's Republic of China, and Japan. KhSAC students regularly receive information about international programs and grants, opportunities to study by specialty at European and American universities. |