Academic integrity, in accordance with the content of Article 42 "Academic Integrity" of the Law of Ukraine "On Education", is "a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law, which should be guided by the participants of the educational process during learning, teaching and carrying out scientific (creative) activities in order to ensure trust in the results of training and/or scientific (creative) achievements".

Academic integrity is the most important component of the quality assurance system of educational activities and higher education, which defines the standards generally accepted by the world community for the implementation of educational and scientific activities by students of higher education and employees of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

A culture of academic integrity is based on the agreement of all participants in the academic process to follow the rules and fulfill the duties assigned to them.The efforts of the academic community should be aimed at preventing, discouraging and stopping the manifestations of academic dishonesty through training, guidance and mentoring, as well as through the creation of a positive, conducive and virtuous educational and scientific environment.

Integrity is a necessary and important indicator of competence, authority, competitiveness and success of both a teacher and a student of higher education.

Think about whether you would like to deal with a specialist in a certain field of knowledge, who obtained higher education dishonestly - wrote it off, "negligently" treated independent work, obtained grades dishonestly? Of course not. Because we strive to have authority in the eyes of our colleagues, in the academic community, overcoming all difficulties in education, we carry the fundamental values ​​of academic integrity: honesty, trust, justice, respect, responsibility and courage.

If we do not show integrity in our studies, how can we get a quality education?

In accordance with Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" and the Regulation on the system of prevention of academic plagiarism and its detection in the scientific works of employees and students of higher education of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

The main manifestations of academic dishonesty:

• academic plagiarism – publicizing (partially or completely) scientific (creative) results obtained by other persons as the results of one's own research (creativity) and/or reproduction of published texts (publicized works of art) of other authors without indicating authorship;
• self-plagiarism – publishing (partially or completely) one's own previously published scientific results as new scientific results;
• fabrication – fabrication of data or facts used in the educational process or scientific research;
• falsification – a deliberate change or modification of already available data related to the educational process or scientific research;
• write-off – performance of written works with the involvement of external sources of information, other than those permitted for use, in particular, during the evaluation of learning outcomes;
• deception – provision of knowingly false information regarding one's own educational (scientific, creative) activity or organization of the educational process; forms of cheating are, in particular, academic plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism;
• bribery – providing (receiving) by a participant in the educational process or offering to provide (receiving) funds, property, services, benefits or any other benefits of a material or non-material nature in order to obtain an undue advantage in the educational process;
• biased assessment – ​​deliberate overestimation or underestimation of the learning outcomes of higher education applicants;
• false co-authorship – entering into the list of authors of a scientific or educational-methodical work persons who did not participate in the creation of the product.

Academic plagiarism is:

• reproduction in the text of a scientific work without changes, with minor changes, or in the translation of the text of another author (other authors), the volume of a sentence or more, without reference to the author (authors) of the reproduced text;
• reproduction in the text of a scientific work, in whole or in part, of the text of another author (other authors) through its paraphrasing or arbitrary retelling without reference to the author (authors) of the reproduced text;
• reproduction in the text of a scientific work of quotations from third sources given in another source without indicating which direct source the quotation is based on;
• reproduction in the text of a scientific work of scientific and technical information given in another source (other than generally known) without indicating the source from which this information was taken;
• reproduction in the text of a scientific work of publicizing works of art without indicating the authorship of these works of art.

Remember that the detection of academic dishonesty or facts of academic plagiarism (compilation) in persons studying (students) is the basis for bringing them to academic responsibility:

• re-passing the assessment (by control work, exam, credit, etc.);
• repeating the corresponding educational component of the educational program;
• expulsion from the academy; deprivation of an academic scholarship;
• deprivation of benefits from payment of education, etc.

Important for all participants of the educational process:

• comply with the norms and rules of academic integrity (references to sources of information in the case of using ideas, developments, statements, information), legislation on copyright and related rights;
• provide reliable information about the results of one's own educational (scientific, creative) activities, used research methods and sources of information, and one's own pedagogical (scientific, pedagogical, creative) activities;
• exercise self-control in compliance with ethical norms of academic integrity, independently perform educational tasks, objective assessment of learning results.

Therefore, scientific, scientific-pedagogical, pedagogical workers, employees, students of higher education and other persons participating in the educational process at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture are obliged to adhere to the principles of academic integrity and corporate ethics:

• legality and rule of law;
• freedom and human dignity;
• professionalism and competence;
• honesty and decency;
• justice and tolerance;
• respect and mutual trust;
• openness and transparency;
• collegiality and democracy;
• self-improvement and self-development;
• formation of a conscious need to comply with the legislation on copyright and related rights;
• personal responsibility and intolerance to violations of academic integrity and ethics of academic relationships.

For higher education seekers and other persons participating in the educational process, it is worthy:

1. Respect the honor and dignity of other persons, even if their views differ from yours.
2. To be responsible for one's duties, to fulfill the tasks prescribed by the individual educational plans on time and in good faith.
3. Use in educational or research activities only proven and reliable sources of information and refer to them.
4. Actively engage in independent work, additionally studying new literature, effectively allocating time for searching and studying materials necessary for obtaining a quality education.
5. To honestly and responsibly prepare for the current, final control, certification, making efforts to complete all tasks in a timely manner.
6. Submit for assessment only self-made work that is not borrowed or adapted from another work done by third parties.
7. In case of difficulties during the performance of educational or research tasks, turn to experienced colleagues, mentors, managers for advice, whose help will prevent manifestations of academic dishonesty.


1. Law of Ukraine "On Education".

2. Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education".

3. Law of Ukraine "On scientific and scientific and technical activity".

4. Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights".

5. Regulations on the system of prevention and detection of facts of academic dishonesty in the scientific works of employees and students of higher education of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

6. Regulations on the Commission on Academic Integrity and Corporate Ethics of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

7. Regulations on the system of internal quality assurance of educational activities and higher education in the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

8. Regulations on the organization of the educational process in the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

9. Regulations on the Center for Quality Assurance of Education and Innovative Development at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

10. Recommendations for higher education institutions regarding the development and implementation of a university system for ensuring academic integrity (NAZYAVO).

11. Recommendations for the prevention of academic plagiarism and its detection in scientific works (abstracts, dissertations, monographs, scientific reports, articles, etc.).

12. APA Citation Style from Cornell College.

13. American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition style examples от Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. (

14. Recommendations for the design of bibliographic descriptions.

15. Recommended online resources for checking text for signs of plagiarism.

16. Basics of academic writing (methodical development, authors: Shlichta N., Shlichta I.).

17. Code of academic integrity.

18. Order on changes in the composition of the Commission on Academic Integrity and Corporate Ethics of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

which perform a supervisory and control function,
ensure the popularization and implementation of
in the educational and scientific process of the principles of academic integrity

Center for ensuring the quality of education and innovative development at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.
• Committee for ensuring the quality of education of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.
• Committee on academic integrity and corporate ethics of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (the permanent members of which are appointed by the rector's orders).
• One-time commissions on academic integrity, which, if necessary, are created by orders of the rector, orders of vice-rectors, deans of the faculty, the head of the specialized academic council.

with the help of which the principles of academic integrity and raising the level are popularized awareness of all
participants of educational and scientific activity

• "Academic integrity" pages of the official website of the KhSAC, "Public information" section "Regulations".
• Informational and methodical materials dedicated to information literacy and plagiarism prevention.
• Informational materials dedicated to popularizing the principles of academic integrity among persons pursuing higher education (campaign posters, informational letters, videos, handouts, etc.).


• Informational and advisory support for employees of a higher education institution (pedagogical, research-pedagogical, scientific workers and other categories of employees) and higher education applicants through the creation of relevant resources on the library website, printing of booklets and posters, development and distribution of videos and other activities to promote the principles of academic integrity;
• Lectures, seminars, trainings within the framework of the "School of Pedagogical Excellence", held on the subject of academic integrity and the basics of information literacy.
• Participation of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical, scientific workers in conferences, international projects, in professional development programs on issues of academic integrity.

in the educational and scientific activities of the KhSAC

• mandatory checking of scientific, educational and methodological, qualification and course works for signs of academic plagiarism;
• carrying out a survey, surveying the participants of scientific and educational processes on the subject of compliance with the principles of academic integrity.