KSAC personnel (in accordance with the requirements of the Licensing conditions for conducting educational activities) (Download)

Results of monitoring the quality of education in the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (as of July 1, 2024) (Download)

Information on the implementation of the Action Plan for the IV quarter of 2022. on the implementation of the National Strategy for the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine for the period until 2030 at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Download)


Rating of faculties
Rating of departments
Rating of scientific and pedagogical workers


Results of a survey of education seekers regarding the quality of educational programs and compliance with the principles of academic integrity in the educational process (2022-2023 year)(Download)

Report on the results of the survey of education seekers regarding the quality of educational programs by the Center for Ensuring the Quality of Education and Innovative Development of the KhSAC ((December 11-17, 2023) (Download)

Report on the results of the survey of education seekers regarding the quality of the educational environment and academic integrity by the Center for Quality Assurance and Innovative Development of the KhSAC (February 19-25, 2024) (Download)

Report on the results of the survey of education seekers regarding the quality of educational programs by the Center for Quality Assurance and Innovative Development of the KhSAC (May 13-19, 2024) (Download)


Results of monitoring the quality of education in the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (as of July 1, 2024) (Download)

Results of monitoring the quality of education
in the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
(as of 01.07.2024)

Procedures and measures of the internal quality assurance system of education according to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" Evaluation of the application of relevant procedures and measures in the KhSAC
1. Determination of the principles and procedures for ensuring the quality of higher education The purpose, tasks, principles, main directions and procedures for ensuring the quality of higher education at the Academy are defined Regulation on the organization of the educational process (approved by the Academic Council of the Academy of Sciences, protocol No. 11 dated 06.28.2024), Regulations on the system of internal quality assurance of educational activities and higher education in the KhSAC (approved by the Scientific Council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 7 dated March 1, 2024); Regulations on the system of prevention and detection of facts of academic dishonesty in the scientific works of employees and students of higher education of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the Scientific Council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 11 of June 25, 2021); Regulations on the organization and conduct by the Center for Quality Assurance of Education and Innovative Development of surveys of participants in the educational process of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the Scientific Council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 5 dated 12/24/2021)
2. Monitoring and periodic review of educational programs Monitoring and periodic review of educational programs at the Academy is regulated Regulations on the procedure for development, approval, monitoring and periodic review of educational programs at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the scientific council of the KhDAK, protocol No. 12 dated 06/30/2023). During 2023-24 AD the Academy monitored the quality of 37 educational programs at the first (bachelor's) level, 20 at the second (master's) level, and 5 at the third (educational-scientific/educational-creative) level.
Monitoring was carried out by evaluating the compliance of educational programs with current educational standards, the content and quality of their implementation according to the criteria for ensuring the quality of educational programs, analyzing the success of students, discussing relevant issues at meetings of graduation departments, communicating with various groups of stakeholders, in particular with students, employers, graduates, etc. Based on the results of monitoring, the content of educational programs, curricula and the corresponding educational and methodological support of the disciplines for 2024-2025 have been updated.
3. Annual assessment of higher education applicants, scientific-pedagogical and teaching staff of universities and regular publication of the results of such evaluations on the official website of the university, on information stands and in any other way Evaluation of the learning results of higher education applicants is carried out in accordance with clear, understandable and accessible to all participants of the educational process rules that ensure the objectivity of examiners, include procedures for contesting the results of control measures and their re-taking. These rules are defined in Regulations on the organization of the educational process in the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the scientific council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 11 dated 06/28/2024) Regulations on the attestation of higher education applicants and the work of the examination commission at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the scientific council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 8 dated March 29, 2019).
The order of formation of the Rating of success of education seekers is defined Rules for awarding scholarships at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the scientific council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 7 dated February 26, 2021). Success ratings of higher education applicants are published on the official website of the Academy (chapter«Scholarship rating»).
The annual evaluation of the work of scientific and pedagogical workers takes place on the basis of the analysis of the results of surveys of students of higher education; compliance of personnel provision of educational programs with the requirements of the Licensing conditions for carrying out educational activities, reports on the fulfillment of contractual obligations by scientific and pedagogical workers and/or individual work plans, as well as rating evaluation of scientific and pedagogical workers.
It determines the criteria, rules and procedures for rating evaluation of scientific and pedagogical workers Regulations on the rating evaluation of scientific and pedagogical workers, departments and faculties of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the academic council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 7 dated March 1, 2024). The main results of the rating evaluation of scientific and pedagogical workers are published on the official website of the Academy (chapter «Monitoring the quality of education»/«The results of the rating of scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers»).
4. Ensuring advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers The Academy determines the procedures, types, forms, scope, periodicity, and conditions of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workersProvisions on professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the academic council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 5 dated 12/22/2023).
Scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy regularly improve their qualifications in various ways. Through planned training under the advanced training and/or internship program in 2021-2022. advanced their qualifications - 18 scientific and pedagogical workers, 2022-2023 academic year - 19 people; 2023-2024 - 58 people. Over the past year, 4 scientific and pedagogical workers successfully defended theses and obtained the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy; 4 - received the academic title of associate professor, 1 - the academic title of professor. In addition, in order to improve their qualifications, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Academy actively participate in seminars, workshops, trainings, webinars, master classes, round tables, and conferences. Information about possible measures is regularly communicated to the scientific and pedagogical workers using various communication channels.
5. Ensuring the availability of the necessary resources for the organization of the educational process, including independent work of students, according to each educational program The Academy regularly monitors the availability of the necessary resources (personnel, information, teaching-methodical, material-technical) for the organization of the educational process.
Staff support. The educational process at KhSAC is provided by 5 faculties and 21 departments (20 of which are graduation), which in 2023-2024 n.y. 190 full-time scientific and pedagogical workers worked, of which 119 people have scientific degrees, scientific titles, state honorary titles in the field of culture and art. The share of scientific-pedagogical (pedagogical) employees who work at the main place of work and have a scientific degree and/or an academic title is 63%. At graduation departments, this indicator is 80-100%. The staffing of educational programs meets the requirements of the Licensing conditions for conducting educational activities (chapter "Monitoring the quality of education»/«Personnel of the KhSAC»).
Information support Informing the subjects of the educational process on educational and non-educational issues takes place through formal (website of the Academy, meetings of the rectorate, departments, meetings of the faculty, elders, mailing, etc.) and informal (using messengers and/or social networks - WhatsApp , Telegram, Viber, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) communication channels. Applicants have free access to the KhSAC library with an electronic catalog ( free access to Scopus, Web of Science, Springer Link, Science Direct databases. To support the informational needs of the participants in the educational process, it is used. For the informational support of the scientific and educational needs of students of higher education and for their independent work, the Academy has created reader service departments (reading, general, scientific, educational subscriptions), an information and reference department, electronic catalog, repository). As of the beginning of July 2024 1,861 documents are placed in the KhSAC repository, and their number is constantly expanding.In particular, it contains: scientific periodicals published by the KhSAC, bibliographic indexes, educational and methodological developments (work programs, methodical instructions, instructional materials, lecture notes, teaching aids, etc.) and scientific works (articles, monographs, theses of speeches at conferences and etc.) of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy, qualification works of bachelors, masters, manuscripts of dissertations, etc. The link to the repository is on the main page of the library.
Educational and methodological support. The educational process is provided with the necessary educational, methodical and scientific literature on paper and electronic media, access to which is organized in the departments, in specialized laboratories, through the library funds, web resources of the Academy. The formation of a complex of educational and methodological support of the educational process in the Academy is carried out in accordance with Regulations on the educational and methodological support of the educational discipline in the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture(approved by the scientific council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 1 dated January 28, 2022)
Material and technical support. The material and technical base of the Academy meets the technological requirements for ensuring the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education (defined in clauses 39-40 of the Licensing conditions for the implementation of educational activities), as well as sanitary standards, requirements of fire safety and labor protection rules. If necessary, students of higher education are provided with accommodation in dormitories, there are medical centers and food centers. (Section "General information"/"Public information"/«Material and technical support»).
6. Ensuring the availability of information systems for effective management of the educational process The Google Workspace for Education platform and other information and communication technologies are used for effective management of the educational process in KhSAC. Also, the Google Workspace platform provides interaction between the subjects of the educational process during the organization of classes using distance learning technologies, informational and methodical support for students of education, in particular, providing students with access to educational materials, organization of online broadcasts, feedback with students of education, systematic verification of tasks performed by them, etc.
The Ukrainian software M.E.Doc (My Electronic Document) is used to exchange electronic documents between counterparties and submit reports to regulatory bodies. Interaction with NAZYAVO, MES, DSYAO, etc. takes place through the EDEBO system or e-mail.
7. Ensuring publicity of information about educational programs, degrees of higher education and qualifications Information about the structure, main directions and indicators of activity, internal normative documents, information about educational programs, degrees of higher education and qualifications is published on official website of the Academy.
Information is regularly updated, Academy officials are responsible for its quality and reliability.
8. Ensuring compliance with academic integrity by employees of higher education institutions and students of higher education, including the creation and operation of an effective system for the prevention and detection of academic plagiarism In order to implement the principles of academic integrity, the Academy has created a Commission on Academic Integrity and Corporate Ethics, whose activities are regulated Regulations on the Commission on Academic Integrity and Corporate Ethics of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the scientific council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 3 dated 10/30/2020), developedCode of Academic Integrity of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the academic council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 3 dated 10/29/2021)
Scientific, master's, bachelor's theses and scientific articles published at the Academy undergo a mandatory check in the anti-plagiarism systems UniCheck (Ukraine) and "Plagiat.PL" (Poland).The procedure for checking works is defined Regulation on the system of prevention of academic plagiarism and its detection in the scientific works of employees and students of higher education of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the scientific council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 11 dated 06/35/2021)
9. Other procedures and measures Issues of improving the quality of educational services are constantly discussed at the meetings of the Academic Council of the Academic Council of the Academic Council, the Committee for Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education of the Academic Council of the Academic Council of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. It functions in the Academy Center for ensuring the quality of education and innovative development. In order to quickly receive feedback from applicants for higher education and employees of the Academy, it was created and is working Trust box, as well as form «Proposals for improving the quality of teaching and learning at KhSAC».
In order to maintain an optimal psychological microclimate among students and employees of the academy, a procedure for psychological support of participants in the educational process has been introduced, which is carried out in accordance with Regulations on psychological support of higher education seekers in the educational process and educational environment of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the scientific council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 8 dated February 28, 2020).
Resolution of conflict issues in the Academy is carried out on the basis of Regulations on policy and procedures for resolving conflict situations in the educational process and educational environment at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (approved by the scientific council of the KhSAC, protocol No. 4 dated November 29, 2019).