The mission of our Academy is to actively influence the development of spiritual culture and intellectual potential of Ukrainian society by organizing high-quality education of future specialists of the new generation – leading professionals in the field of culture and art, cultural studies, psychology, journalism, management and tourism; expanding and deepening scientific knowledge in the cultural and artistic, humanitarian and social branches of science.

The vision of our Academy is a prestigious, innovative higher education institution, recognized by the national and international academic community, that seamlessly combines educational and scientific activities, ensures the quality of the educational environment functioning at the level of the best world standards, has a high level of corporate culture and academic integrity, creates conditions for the formation of highly educated, nationally conscious, creative and responsible individuals capable of constant self-improvement and creative transformation of the surrounding reality according to the laws of truth, goodness, beauty and justice.

The key values ​​on which the implementation of the Academy’s mission and vision is based are:
- person;
- spirituality;
- integrity;
- beauty;
- justice;
- freedom;
- democracy;
- responsibility;
- competence;
- professionalism;
- national consciousness.