Kharkiv State Academy of Culture is a center of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of cultural studies, art history and theory of social communications, a center of the best scientific schools of the specified profile.

Scientific-research and scientific-methodical activity at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture is based on the basic principles of the state policy in the field of culture, science and education of Ukraine, defined by the Constitution of Ukraine and other relevant legislative documents. The main goal of the department's research is the scientific provision of high-quality training of specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel for the field of culture, art, pedagogical education, management through a four-level vertical of higher education (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, doctoral), improvement of the educational process, introduction of the latest educational technologies taking into account the global European experience.

KhSAC is the leading higher education institution in Ukraine in two main scientific fields - "cultural studies" and "social communications". The Academy initiated the introduction of new scientific fields in Ukraine to the "List of specialties for which theses defenses for obtaining the scientific degrees of Candidate of Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy) and Doctor of Sciences, the awarding of scientific degrees and the awarding of academic titles are carried out", which was supported by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the majority of higher education institutions of the relevant profile.

A significant link in the reproduction of the intellectual potential of Ukraine is the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies. Post-graduate studies (since 1994), doctoral studies (since 1996), institute of higher education students have been operating at KhSAC. According to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 30, 2016 No. 590 "On licensing of educational activities at the third educational and scientific level" KhSAC conducts training of applicants at the third educational and scientific level of higher education (degree of higher education "Doctor of Philosophy") in the following scientific specialties (2015 list): 034 Cultural Studies; 029 Information, library and archival affairs; 025 Musical art.

There are two doctorate specialized scientific councils working at KhSAC: D 64.807.01 in two specialties: 26.00.01 – theory and history of culture (in the field of cultural studies and art history), 26.00.04 – Ukrainian culture (in the field of cultural studies and art history); D 64.807.02 in two specialties: 27.00.01 – theory and history of social communications (in the field of social communications), 27.00.03 – bibliography, library science, bibliography (in the field of social communications). During the years of work (from 2002 to 2021), more than 120 scientists have defended theses for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences in the specialized academic councils of the KhSAC. Currently, the academy has the opportunity to defend dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in all areas of training at the postgraduate school of the Academy of Sciences.

More than 10 well-known scientific schools operate in the academy. The leaders of scientific schools of the KhSAC are now well-known scientists, doctors of science: Vasyl SHEIKO, Natalya KUSHNARENKO, Olena ROSHchenko, Alla SOLYANIK, Lyudmila FILIPOVA, Iryna POLSKA, Iryna DAVIDOVA, Svitlana RYBALKO, Yurii LOSHKOV, etc. The heads of art schools are professors of the academy, honored artists of the arts of Ukraine Andrii STASHEVSKY, Serhiy GORDYEV, People's Artist of Ukraine Borys KOLNOGUZENKO and others. They are the most effective in training doctors and candidates of sciences of the appropriate profile for Ukraine.

KhSAC is successfully developing, together with the Institute of Cultural Studies of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, the national GDR "Ukrainian culture: historical and cultural dimensions". Two general academic NDRs are registered in UkrINTI of Ukraine and are actively being developed: "Motherland and world culture: historical and theoretical aspects" (state registration number 0109U00511) and "Documentary and communication structures of society: innovative development strategies" (state registration number 0109U00512).

Among the main scientific directions of scientific research of the faculties are "Problems of the history and theory of culture", "Ukrainian and world musical culture", "Ukrainian choral culture in the context of world culture", "Choreographic culture of the eastern regions of Ukraine: theoretical and performing aspects" and others.

The Academy publishes two collections of scientific papers approved as professional (category "B") in the following specialties, namely "Culture of Ukraine": 34 - Cultural studies (07.02.2020); 21 – Audiovisual art and production (July 2, 2020); 24 – Choreography (07/02/2020); 25 – Musical art (07.02.2020); 26 – Performing arts and "Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture. Series: Information, library and archival affairs": 29 - social communications (07.02.2020).

Every year, teachers, doctoral students, post-graduate students and students of the academy publish more than 700 scientific and scientific-methodological publications, namely monographs, textbooks, study guides, educational-methodical materials, scientific articles, theses of reports. A significant part of the publications of representatives of the academy is carried out with the participation of the creative team of the editorial and publishing department of the KhSAC (head of the department - L. Machulin), which, at the request of the rectorate of the academy, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine in 2008. was entered into the State Register of Publishers and Distributors of Publishing Products.

Numerous scientific, scientific and practical conferences of the international, all-Ukrainian and regional levels, scientific and methodical seminars, round tables, competitions, festivals, which are highly appreciated by the Ukrainian and world professional public, are held on the basis of KhSAC. Among them: the annual international scientific conference "Culturology and social communications: innovative development strategies" (November); annual all-Ukrainian scientific and theoretical conference of young scientists "Culture and information society of the 21st century" (April), which gives scientists from Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Poland, Germany, France, USA, Japan, China, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Morocco and other countries the opportunity to freely communicate and exchange new scientific ideas.

The Society of students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young scientists works effectively in the academy under the leadership of candidate of sciences in social communications Olga KOSACHOVA, who coordinates the activities of student departmental and faculty scientific and creative societies, organizes and moderates a series of scientific and methodical seminars, scientific conferences, round tables, discussion clubs, etc.

The Academy carries out active international activities on the basis of more than 50 signed cooperation agreements with higher educational institutions and organizations from 10 countries of the world. These agreements cover various spheres of cooperation: scientific, educational, artistic, cultural, information and image. The international recognition of the scientific and educational achievements of the Academy was evidenced by the signing in Bologna Magna Carta of Universities. The Academy has educational and scientific ties with Robert Gordon University (Great Britain), Illinois State University (USA), Royal School of Library Science (Denmark), University of Amsterdam and Higher Polytechnic School (Netherlands), Higher School of Library Science and Informatics and Ukrainian Free University (Germany), Harbin University and Harbin Institute of Enlightenment (PRC), September Ninth University (Turkey), Higher School of Linguistics (Poland), Higher School HUMANITAS (Poland), Higher School of Humanities and Economics (Poland) and a number of Chinese universities and cultural and artistic organizations. According to the concluded agreements, the academy conducts an international exchange of teachers, scientists, and students, and provides an opportunity for its students to continue their studies abroad. As part of the implementation of international scientific and educational projects, the Academy's leading scientists were repeatedly invited to universities in Europe and the world to give lectures, participate in international scientific conferences, etc.


- promoting the establishment of the academy's scientific ecosystem as an innovation hub aimed at effective commercialization of its own scientific achievements and the results of intellectual activity, taking into account the needs of society and the academy's scientific potential;
- strengthening the positions of scientific schools of the academy in the international scientific community;
- creation of conditions for the development of fundamental and applied scientific research in the priority areas of the KhSAC, as well as activation of work on the involvement of students of higher education of all levels in the performance of scientific competitive interdisciplinary research;
- the development of an innovative educational and scientific system based on advanced results of scientific and research activities;
- introduction of artistic PhD programs in accordance with the principles of the United European Educational and Scientific Space according to the artistic specialties of the training of doctors of philosophy available in the academy;
- development and implementation of mechanisms for the protection of intellectual property of the results of scientific research by scientific and pedagogical workers and their effective commercialization;
- ensuring conditions for effective scientific and innovative activity of members of the academic community by finding and attracting sources of financial support for scientific research with the aim of improving the material and technical base of the scientific and educational infrastructure;
- improvement of the system of cooperation and partnership of representatives of authorities, culture, business, scientific, educational and artistic community at the regional and state levels;
- formation of fruitful mutually beneficial partnerships with Ukrainian, foreign and international organizations in order to ensure international recognition of the scientific and creative product and further integration into the world market;
- promotion of academic cooperation with national and public academies and international mobility of students of higher education and scientific and pedagogical workers of the academy;
- activation of the activities of the scientific community of KhSAC in the direction of preparation and submission of scientific works for participation in relevant national and international competitions, international grant scientific programs, in particular "Horizon 2020" and ERASMUS+;
- encouraging the publication activity of scientists, postgraduate students, masters of the academy, primarily in authoritative international and national publications, which are included in the leading international scientometric databases SCOPUS, Web of Science;
- promoting the inclusion of periodical scientific publications of the Academy in the international scientometric databases, by improving the websites of academic publications and harmonizing their editorial and publishing policy with the requirements of these databases;
- conducting international scientific conferences of the KhSAC with the participation of leading foreign scientists;
- the traditionalization of the policy of inviting leading foreign scientists for speeches and lectures on promising and problematic areas of science;
- internships of scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers, students and post-graduate students in leading foreign educational and scientific centers;
- activation of the participation of scientific and pedagogical workers of the KhSAC in international scientific conferences outside the borders of Ukraine.